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How I Flew Around the World in Business Class for $1,340


In June, I opened my US Airways Master Card, which gave me 30,000 miles after my first purchase. In August, US Airways had a sale of frequent flier miles: buy up to 50,000 miles and get the same amount for free. As it costs 90,000 miles to travel between North America and North Asia in business class, I purchased 30,000 US Airways miles for $1,200 and got the final 30,000 miles for "free."

Ground control to Commander Hadfield: astronaut records first music video from space

Last December, astronaut Chris Hadfield recorded the first song in space aboard the International Space Station, and he's back today with the first music video from space: a cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity." Hadfield is set to return home to Earth in a Soyuz craft on the morning of May 14th, after a prolific mission in space filled with science, singing, and sharing on Twitter. The video features Hadfield moving throughout the ISS with his guitar, with some impressive vocals to boot — between the setting and the sound, it's a performance that does Bowie justice.


Retina for web workflow

The biggest pain of retina becoming the standard for computer displays is the extra work that's involved in making it work on the web. But it's possible to automate your retina (@2x) for web workflow thanks to Slicy, CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less and retina.js.

There Is No Mobile Internet!

It’s time to stop thinking about the Internet and online communication in the context of a device, be it desktop, tablet or mobile. Advances by Google and Apple have heightened consumer expectations, which now require stricter focus from us to create seamless online communications — communications that work everywhere and that get their point across. We need to embrace a device-agnostic approach to communicating with connected consumers and forget the idea of a “mobile Internet”. There is only One Web to experience.

Google Glass: the future, with monthly updates

The Glass project was started "about three years ago" by an engineer named Babak Parviz as part of Google’s X Lab initiative, the lab also responsible for — amongst other things — self-driving cars and neural networks. Unlike those epic, sci-fi R&D projects at Google, Glass is getting real much sooner than anyone expected. The company offered developers an option to buy into an early adopter strategy called the Explorer Program during its I/O conference last year, and just this week it extended that opportunity to people from around the world in a Twitter campaign which asks potential users to explain how they would put the new technology to use. Think of it as a really aggressive beta — something Google is known for.

Vine Resume May Be the World's First

Dawn Siff's 6-second Vine resume may be the world's first. Of course, in that time frame, she doesn't get much across. The entire text: "Idea machine Dawn Siff. Journalist. Strategist. Manager. Deadline Jedi." But Siff, who has 15 years experience at such places as Dow Jones and Fox News Radio, makes the most of it by way of illustration. For "strategist" she presents herself with a Rubik's Cube. The "Jedi" title prompts an appearance by a Light Saber.

Music video invades stock footage

US indie band Darwin Deez are known for their 'out-there' shows and edgy get-ups. So, for their latest music video, director Keith Schofield decided to put front-man Darwin into one of the most uncool places he could muster: reel-upon-reel of stock footage. Thus the 'outsider' connotation of being a rock star is brought to life in a quite literal way.

Feel the passion! Discover the top TED talks on design

TED, which stands for 'Technology, Entertainment and Design', is a series of conferences organised on a non-profit basis with the aim of spreading good ideas. For those who can't attend in person, the TED Talks podcast offers some of the best talks, and its videos have had more than one billion views.

How to get the Windows Fonts for free on your Mac

First go to this page where you can download the Open XML Converter for Macintosh. This program allows you to open Office 2008 programs in older versions of Microsoft office. It also includes all the fonts for Office 2008. So you can either run the installer and it will install itself, or if you are a bit uneasy about installing Microsoft products on your computer, right click on the installer and select show package contents. Open the folder called ‘Contents’ then ‘Packages’ then select ‘show package contents’ of the file that is called OpenXML_all_fonts. Open the folder called ‘Contents’ then double-click on ‘Archive.pax.gz’

Very useful!!!

How To Design Pixel Perfect Assets

Assuming that you design your Mobile app in 2x, I know it’s tempting to use automatic tools such as Slicy to create your 1x assets. But it’ll be far from perfect, since you’ll end up with half-pixels and that means blurry outlines. You don’t want blurry pixels.

Draw in 3D with the 3Doodler pen

A 3D printing pen you can hold in your hand launches on Kickstarter. Take a look at it in action in this video!
